Table Talk Newsletter

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We'll keep you informed on the latest accounting and tax guidance impacting the restaurant industry and provide solutions and tools to ease the challenges you face.

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Safe Harbor Reboot, Business Combinations, Due Diligence & ‘The Gray Zone’
Top 10 Restaurant Topics, Tax Basis Vs. GAAP Basis, Unemployment Tax Reporting Changes, Perrill Promoted
Key Trends In 2024, BOI Reporting Update, GAAP Checklist, Year-End Tax Planning
Lease Accounting, Service Fees, Gift Cards, BOI Reporting
Food Delivery Risks, RE Insights, Nonprofit Creation
ERC Changes, RE Strategies, 80/20 Rule
Remodel & Termination Costs, Franchisee Concerns, Fraud
OT Rule, ERP Capitalization, Cyber & Incentives
Ohio Sales Tax Changes, Valuations, Incentive Compensation
Calculating Deferred Revenues, Advertising Expenses, Resilient Operations
Wage Change Calculator, Cyber/AI, Franchise Gift Cards
Secure web data, QoE benefits, Tax savings, MSP options